News and Events
Revaluing Theatrical Heritage: Challenges & Opportunities
22nd Jan 2013
An international conference held by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Gent in association with Artesis Hogeschool
Cultuurcentrum Kortrijk (Belgium)
22-23 January 2013
Despite eye-opening discoveries, exhibitions and performances, many valuable holdings of theatrical heritage continue to linger in oblivion. A stunning exemplar is the recently unearthed �Dubosq collection' at the Cultuurcentrum Kortrijk: a near-complete ensemble of drops, flats and props from the Belle �poque. How do such time capsules affect our understanding and appreciation of historical staging practices? Under which conditions should these vulnerable, excessively rare artifacts be preserved and manipulated? And which challenges and opportunities arise from their reuse on the modern stage?
REVALUING THEATRICAL HERITAGE aims to address these and related issues from a broader perspective. Scholars, performers, producers, conservators and administrators are invited to share experiences and results of recent projects and work in progress. Particularly welcomed are individual papers and poster presentations dealing with historically informed productions. Session proposals will also be considered.
Conference languages: English (preferred), French and German.